Ricon Creatives
How to define your Audience

How to define your Audience

It’s really as easy as ABC…
🥰 Like every relationship, before you know who you like or hope to attract, you need to know YOU first. So first thing is to look at you and what you are offering? When you know who you are, your strengths, your shortcomings and all, it’s easier to identify whose need your product or service meets. It should always start with you.

☺️Personally, I like to build personas because it makes it clearer and makes them so real. For example, instead of defining a vague audience like : Christian youth in university in accra. I would do- Ama, 21, last born, university of Ghana, reading psychology, enjoys swimming and reading, volunteers at the children’s ward every Tuesday… It gives me a proper picture. Now, every time I’m crafting a message or designing something, I have an actual person in mind to guide me.

🧐It’s always good to check out your competition. Don’t just copy everything they are doing but it’s good to know if their audience is the same as yours. It will help you understand your own customer profile. See how best to reach those or it will reveal to you an audience they might be overlooking that you can reach.

🙋🏽‍♀️Remember though, that defining your audience isn’t limiting your offer to just that selected bunch. You aren’t stopping others outside your target audience from buying from you. You are simply choosing to focus most of your energy and resources on persons that represents your “ideal customer”. You will always have a primary and secondary target market, just ensure they are well defined.


Sourced from: @1822social

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